Porsche 911 Turbo  |  Spotted in Penfield, New York

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Porsche 911 Turbo spotted in Penfield, New York

Details on This Porsche 911 Turbo:

  • Location
    Penfield, New York
  • Description
    Spotted in Penfield after a long day of bad spotting luck (read comment on this picture)
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    black   porsche   911   turbo   new york   Penfield  
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Comments (71 total)
dorschel! its gonna be there they getting a dealership
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:44:06
@Topgearstig, When you get it you should come down to my house. I still havent seen one of those.
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:43:20
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:42:34
He probably means GranCabrio.
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:40:18
You mean GT?
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:38:46
maserati gc
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:23:10
Oh, do you have any idea what you're trading it for?
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:17:10
haha it is but were trading it in soon in the next year or so
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:13:47
That would be cool having a Panamera.
Posted:  06/19/2013 21:08:50
i have seen this one in victor. my dad has the panamera so they were talking porsches for a little bit
Posted:  06/19/2013 13:38:55
So i was out in Penfield today and i felt like doing some exotic spotting so i was standing on a sidewalk for about 25 minutes, only one person had walked by me during the whole time and i heard something so i was standing there, camera phone out, pointing it at the street when i saw a ferrari 348 i was about to get the picture when someone walked in front of me and i missed the shot. I was pretty mad but i was determined so i was standing there for like 25 more minutes when i heard something else. So i was looking one way trying to find the sound and all of a sudden i saw something zoom by. It was a BMW Z8!!!! AND I MISSED IT!!! He drifted around a corner and i was now rrrreeeeeaaaallllyyyy mad. So i stood there for another 10 minutes when the same thing happenned again. I didnt see what it was untill it was right there in front of me because i was looking the wrong direction. A Lamborghini Gallardo drove by, so i knew it would be far and not a very internet worthy shot but i lifted my camera and clicked the button and thought i got it so i looked at my phone and all i got was my thumb in front of the camera. I was so mad at this point that i just quit looking for the day and got this picture in a doctors office parking lot.
Posted:  06/06/2012 22:21:32
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