Lamborghini Gallardo  |  Spotted in Avondale, Zimbabwe

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Lamborghini Gallardo spotted in Avondale, Zimbabwe

Details on This Lamborghini Gallardo:

  • Location
    Avondale, Zimbabwe
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    parked at home,,,dont mind the bicycles
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  • Last active: 25 April 2013, 10:37
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Comments (20 total)
Wow. Must be awesome having a friend who has such awesome exotics in his family
Posted:  01/13/2013 02:08:36
 1 like
Remind Me to go easy on you next time buddie.....
Posted:  01/12/2013 21:29:02
You guys can't read that.....ooh well
Posted:  01/12/2013 21:13:45
i am also lost
Posted:  01/12/2013 18:13:07
I'm not sure what your saying but I have pics on this website.
Posted:  01/12/2013 18:05:56
Stop insulting the Pirates ahhahahahah...
Posted:  01/12/2013 14:38:39
Yep I guess there are nice places everywhere.

Edit: Except Somalia
Posted:  01/12/2013 14:28:11
 1 like
@Cal i understand every country has a fucked up spot were you just be thinking "Am i in the right Place',,,of cause we don't rally in Lamborghini's that is very offensive to the Italians,,,if you want Google a place called "brooke in harare" then tell me what you think its all good we all on the site busy posting and stalking other peoples cars hahahahaha.....
Posted:  01/12/2013 14:12:30
I went to Edinburgh but don't remember seeing anything, I was like 7 though. Ur spots there r awesome though.
Posted:  01/12/2013 14:06:48
Rallying in a Lambo! That must be....interesting. Lol, they're not that bad it's just where I was, the traffic was slow and there were quite a few potholes, not ideal for a Lambo.
Posted:  01/12/2013 14:00:17
Da Other Red Lambo is there's as wells,,,but That's what the sister drives,,,they also got a Rolls Royce Phantom,,a white Bently,,a Sls AMG,,and a couple of other cars ,they once had a Ferrai Italia but this kid crushed,,,,I have the picture and his sorry face on the road,,,,and to Cal yah we don't have roads we buy Lambo's 2 go Rally Racing with them Welcome To zimbabwe
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:56:56
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:33:38
Is the red Gallardo in the other picture also theres?
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:31:35
Wow, 18th birthday. He must have a wealthy family. What other cars does he or his family have?
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:29:20
18th birthday??? wow. Wish i could get one of these when I was 18
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:29:03
 1 like
its my friend's car he got it for his 18th birthday so he invited me to show off l.o.l
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:27:32
I've actually been to Zimbabwe and no offense, but it's pretty poor and the roads are terrible, so I'm just asking where u can drive a Lambo there.

I'm not trying to offend anyone.
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:25:20
Is this your lambo?
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:16:27
Cal stop asking silly questions if you haven't been here stop offending us,,whose going buy a Lamborghini just to park at home..
Posted:  01/12/2013 13:00:20
Where can u drive a car like this in Zimbabwe?
Posted:  01/12/2013 12:53:12
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