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Danny3320, 16 September 2013, 13:52
You can't be serious? That shot was terrible

But you must be blind saying its a good shot

Rivi can take miles better shots. He needs to realise he doesn't need to upload everything

And saying that shot is good is encouraging him to upload other cr*p that shouldn't be here

Rivi you need to upload your good shots only

from Manchester, United Kingdom
Vinchops, 16 September 2013, 14:25
I know I haven't been on this site as long as many others here but I beleive he wasnt banned soley because of his McLaren post. Although I beleive the shot was decent. This picture and the forum post that followed the picture was the straw that broke the camels back. I think the moderators are fed up with rivis complaining after every picture that gets deleted. He needs to understand that him complaining isnt going to make his pictures look better. Uploading the picture 3 times is complete disregard for the website rules.

Danny3320, 16 September 2013, 14:55
Vinchops wrote:
I know I haven't been on this site as long as many others here but I beleive he wasnt banned soley because of his McLaren post. Although I beleive the shot was decent. This picture and the forum post that followed the picture was the straw that broke the camels back. I think the moderators are fed up with rivis complaining after every picture that gets deleted. He needs to understand that him complaining isnt going to make his pictures look better. Uploading the picture 3 times is complete disregard for the website rules.

I dont think it was anything to do with the McLaren picture
rivi always makes a forum post when ever his pictures get deleted or anything like that
he always has to question the mods, he would of been banned from the forums for that reason.
there is no need for him to keep posting topics questioning the mods actions, if he had a problem with it he should speak to them directly
no one here cares and doesnt want to see those topics
hopefully he will learn from the ban and not get so worked up over a picture being deleted

from Manchester, United Kingdom
cartmen220, 16 September 2013, 15:18
Update: Jason messaged me and informed me that he has now been banned for life on the forums. He obviously has not done anything illegal in the past 24 hours as he was already banned so if the moderator increased the ban because of my post, I am truly appalled with the way things are being handled. Honestly, regardless of your opinions on whether or not that photo was legitimate or if Jason is annoying, you should all agree that this is bullshit.

from New Jersey
OCCA, 16 September 2013, 15:27
cartmen220 wrote:
Update: Jason messaged me and informed me that he has now been banned for life on the forums. He obviously has not done anything illegal in the past 24 hours as he was already banned so if the moderator increased the ban because of my post, I am truly appalled with the way things are being handled. Honestly, regardless of your opinions on whether or not that photo was legitimate or if Jason is annoying, you should all agree that this is bullshit.

True that!

from OC, California
AmosMPhotography, 16 September 2013, 15:28
cartmen220 wrote:
Update: Jason messaged me and informed me that he has now been banned for life on the forums. He obviously has not done anything illegal in the past 24 hours as he was already banned so if the moderator increased the ban because of my post, I am truly appalled with the way things are being handled. Honestly, regardless of your opinions on whether or not that photo was legitimate or if Jason is annoying, you should all agree that this is bullshit.

That is Shocking!!!!!
We should make a poll to get his ban reduced or waved!

from United Kingdom
DjShift, 16 September 2013, 15:42
umberto wrote:
Criteria is an Italian term that means criterion.

I think he knew what the word meant. He was just asking the same thing you were. Lol

from Sodus Point, New York
DjShift, 16 September 2013, 15:46
And i definately agree it's dumb that he was banned for life from the Forums but seriously, you're going to start another topic in the forum about it? I honestly think at this point we're the ones making it worse because now you guys are flooding the forums with posts about him. If you want to help him, email the admins, dont make so many forum topics.

from Sodus Point, New York
zonka-81, 16 September 2013, 15:53
I agree that the shot is legit, but i do agree with the forum ban. He's made at least 10 topics that are just bitching about why a photo got deleted. And Jason you keep saying you have so many photos to upload and if you do have that many, why would you give a sh*t if one of them is being deleted?
Deleted account
cartmen220, 16 September 2013, 16:05
DjShift wrote:
And i definately agree it's dumb that he was banned for life from the Forums but seriously, you're going to start another topic in the forum about it? I honestly think at this point we're the ones making it worse because now you guys are flooding the forums with posts about him. If you want to help him, email the admins, dont make so many forum topics.

This is the only thread about his banishment. Idk what you've been looking at.

from New Jersey
zonda, 16 September 2013, 16:15
A life time ban is utter BULLSHIT!!!!!!! I'm absolutely appalled !!!!

from tokyo, United Kingdom
c-osu7, 16 September 2013, 16:16
OCCA wrote:
The Mclaren was a Great shot that deserved to be on here. A lot of people on here hated on Jason ( Rivibird ) for no reason. I mean yah the kid had some bad shots in the past but he got better and started posting great stuff.
This website has turned into sh*t when the " Mods " and " Ranking system " came into effect. It became less of a Hobby/ car enthusiast website and more of a competitor thing. That's one of the reason's why a lot of people stopped uploading on here including myself.


from Ohio
Superleggera, 16 September 2013, 16:16
I have no opinion on this matter due to the fact that I'm not exactly sure what's going on so I am not saying anything at all.

from Louisville, Kentucky
zonda, 16 September 2013, 16:19
May I Just ask are these "Mods" ????

from tokyo, United Kingdom
SDJ2_Photography, 16 September 2013, 16:22
c-osu7 wrote:
OCCA wrote:
The Mclaren was a Great shot that deserved to be on here. A lot of people on here hated on Jason ( Rivibird ) for no reason. I mean yah the kid had some bad shots in the past but he got better and started posting great stuff.
This website has turned into sh*t when the " Mods " and " Ranking system " came into effect. It became less of a Hobby/ car enthusiast website and more of a competitor thing. That's one of the reason's why a lot of people stopped uploading on here including myself.



from Pittsford, New York
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