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bej96, 15 September 2013, 22:30
This is Funny!

from New Zealand
scudfan98, 15 September 2013, 23:28
I dont like to interfere with this kind of stuff but i agree that no one should make threads complaining about photos being deleted. If the photo was good enough it would not have been deleted 3 times. I dont want people to hate me because of this post but things like thid have got to stop. Im really tired of seeing these threads and they are getting very annoying. THis is why I dont upload too many things on here. I like to get my best pics on here so they dont get deleted!

from Denver, Colorado
Veyron_Fan, 15 September 2013, 23:38
cartmen220 wrote:
Veyron_Fan wrote:
I'm not sure about anyone else but I like reading all this controversial stuff...

You must be a fan of soap operas, huh? Lol

God..I need sleep, I'll see where this goes in the morning.


from Australia
kjm64, 16 September 2013, 02:16
I understand why it was deleted, everyone has shots deleted. You shouldn't whinge about them either, but I think the mods need to address the issue as well. I think if you get a shot deleted they should send you a message notifying you that it got deleted as well as an explanation as to why. Eg: blurry, far away, car show etc. What does everyone else think?

from Sydney, Australia
menikmati, 16 September 2013, 05:16
ya i agree with andrew he wasent banned for that specific photo/upload. he has been banned due to his constant complaining, making up pointless threads, starting arguments, other people arguing with him, uploading non exotic cars just to name a few.

i am sure most of u are aware me and alot of other peple dont like rivi. (but he still had a right to be on here) but since he has joined this site there has been a HUGE increase in complaints and arguments. literally one single user has caused so much chaos it a joke.

I am not for the bann but i am definitely not against it. i feel the site will be going alot smoother now with less fights

theres my 23cents worth


from Cape Town, South Africa
DjShift, 16 September 2013, 06:08
Veyron_Fan wrote:
I'm not sure about anyone else but I like reading all this controversial stuff...

Lol. Me too.

from Sodus Point, New York
DjShift, 16 September 2013, 06:16
I guess i'll just put in my opinion on this one too. I honestly think the Mclaren photo that kept being posted was borderline illegal. It was cut but not too much but a latitude cut-off is, in my opinion, much worse that a longitude cut-off. So i didn't really want it deleted because i dont mind it and it is a rare car but i kinda knew it would be taken off. However, i do not think it was deleted just because it was Jason. I think it was deleted because it was cut off. And they continued deleting it because he continued posting it. I dont think the ban he got though was because of the photo, it's because he complains about everything that happenns in the forums.

However, i do think that ban is way too long of a time for what happenned. I also think people are giving Jason too much of a hard time even though he is one of the longest-term members still on the site and has contributed a lot.

I also do think when a photo is deleted, they should email or message us a thing saying what photo was deleted and the reasoning behind the deletion.

from Sodus Point, New York
cartmen220, 16 September 2013, 06:43
kjm64 wrote:
I understand why it was deleted, everyone has shots deleted. You shouldn't whinge about them either, but I think the mods need to address the issue as well. I think if you get a shot deleted they should send you a message notifying you that it got deleted as well as an explanation as to why. Eg: blurry, far away, car show etc. What does everyone else think?

I like this idea. The mods shouldn't have to write a long essay on the matter but a simple "cut-off" along with the make/model/description of the photo automatically sent to messages folder should be enough.

andrewo wrote:
I don't think it was only because of him at all. If I posted a photo like that it would probably be deleted too. It is not a good photo and brings down the quality and standards of the whole site. And if I did post a photo that was removed without reason, I would just move on and not post it again. I don't see what the issue is here.

The issue is the kid got a 3 month ban (I wouldn't be writing this if it was a week long) because he felt he was being targeted (which he has been from time to time, I have no doubt about it as I am also on FB) and made a post about it.

scudfan98 wrote:
I dont like to interfere with this kind of stuff but i agree that no one should make threads complaining about photos being deleted. If the photo was good enough it would not have been deleted 3 times. I dont want people to hate me because of this post but things like thid have got to stop. Im really tired of seeing these threads and they are getting very annoying. THis is why I dont upload too many things on here. I like to get my best pics on here so they dont get deleted!

Don't worry, you're on the popular side here. Nobody is going to hate you lol.
Last modified by cartmen220, 16 September 2013, 10:44

from New Jersey
SDJ2_Photography, 16 September 2013, 06:43
topgearstig wrote:
Honestly he took a lot of cr*p but he really did deserve more credit than he was given.


from Pittsford, New York
umberto, 16 September 2013, 12:23
I have been offline for a while but now I enter here and I find this? I think someone here is acting like a kid.
I know Jason since he was ''Rivibird'' and he always has been a sort of huge lover of, I've already questioned with him but he is a good kid.
I don't think they deleted that picture only because he is Jason, but only because the picture was not enough good.
However, a three-months ban is too hard. Probabily that is a sort of revenge. P.S. I would like what are the criteria to choose the mods.

from Oderzo, Italy
Chaserdog, 16 September 2013, 12:32
I agree three months is alot. I also want to know what the criteria is.

from Sunnyvale, California
umberto, 16 September 2013, 12:50
Criteria is an Italian term that means criterion.

from Oderzo, Italy
AmosMPhotography, 16 September 2013, 12:59
I'm confused, has Rivi been banned?

from United Kingdom
venomgt95, 16 September 2013, 13:00
yes. 3 months from the forum

from Belding, Michigan
OCCA, 16 September 2013, 13:12
The Mclaren was a Great shot that deserved to be on here. A lot of people on here hated on Jason ( Rivibird ) for no reason. I mean yah the kid had some bad shots in the past but he got better and started posting great stuff.
This website has turned into sh*t when the " Mods " and " Ranking system " came into effect. It became less of a Hobby/ car enthusiast website and more of a competitor thing. That's one of the reason's why a lot of people stopped uploading on here including myself.

from OC, California
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