to start off, i know nothing about cameras.
- price limit is $150-$250.
- i already have a droid razr, i dont know much about the camera on it but u could tell from my profile. also i dont see that much.
- i plan on starting to go to the greenwich concours every year. but besides that and maybe semi-annual trips to NYC, i dont go to huge car locations. ill see something, like once or twice a month.
- another thing that bothers me ALOT and has cost me over atleast 15 pictures is the shutter speed (i thinks its called that) like one time it will take a picture in under a second, then it will wait like 4 SECONDS after i touch the button to take it. is it possible to preset that with a camera?
- so do you think its worth getting a camera with this kind of budget, or should i stick with my droid razr and smartphone cameras until i start seeing more exotics?
Last modified by
samaserati, 02 October 2013, 02:04