Help the admins out. Post your ideas here that could possibly make the website better. :)
**Note: These ideas do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion. They are member submitted and I am being non-bias and posting them all if they are logical and make sense.
"An idea what be a subscription system where you can subscribe to certain users' posts.
And if it's possible, a way to unsubscribe to comment notifications so people won't get annoyed with endless notifications. Some people weren't too happy with the notifications that they kept getting on the pseudo-forum."
"we could see who liked your photo! and we could see how many views our picture has!"
"More moderators, then less fights will happen"
"add an upload limit, eg 4 uploads per person every 8hrs? or per day"
"Might I suggest a way to get rid of comment notifications without having to open the photo, or increasing the notifications limit to something over 20."
"can we have a comment alert on the forum like we do on the pics ?"
"Well i think we need should be able to subscribe to topics do that if a new post is made on that topic we get notified."
"How about the ability to "Like" forum posts, similar to how you can "Like" comments?"
Last modified by
Superleggera, 09 March 2013, 00:48