I thought i would revive an old post because this is pretty interesting. I usually try to emphasize a car's interesting features like GTRJACK said, and I ALWAYS take advantage of a turned wheel. VVV I found the Audi's front to be interesting in this picture VVV
Not exotic but I love turned out wheels!
I usually take my pictures lower to make the car seem more aggressive, but if I think the car has an interesting hood, then I might take it from higher up to display that.
SLS's have cool hoods.
Of course, when a car is on the move, it's difficult to apply all of the above, but if your feeling up to, it's always fun to try "panning".
One last thing, always try to take advantage of your environment. Whether it be another exotic car or some beautiful scenery always try to include it when you crop so it's not just the car. Cool buildings IMO
Overall, just look out for which angle you think the car looks best from, happy shooting :D
Last modified by
Forzafaithful99, 03 January 2014, 14:45